Purchasing Postman Pro

  • Pro

Purchasing a Postman Pro subscription requires you to:

  • Configure your plan
  • Choose your role

To purchase a Postman Pro subscription, go to the Pricing page and click the Buy Postman Pro button. Pricing page

Configure your plan

Select the billing cycle and the number of team members who will use Postman.

Billing cycle

You can select either an annual or monthly billing cycle for your Postman Pro subscription. Your credit card is billed every year or month based on this selection.

Number of users

You can select the number of team members who will use Postman. Only paid users can collaborate on collections, but each team can add up to two free support-only accounts for administrative and billing purposes later.

Choose your role

Select either an administrator or billing user role.


As an administrator, you and the purchase links to your Postman account occupy a paid user slot in your team. Select this role if you plan to use Postman Pro.

Billing user

As a billing user, you designate a Team Administrator who will both use Postman Pro and set up the team. Choose this option if you won’t be using Pro yourself, and your role is strictly purchasing and billing.

After you configure your Postman Pro purchase, click the “Review your purchase” link to confirm the details.

Enter your payment information: name, address, email, and credit card details.

For security, Postman does not store any credit card data. Only Stripe, our payment provider, stores this data. Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1, the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry.