Sharing collections

Postman enables you to share Collections in Workspaces from the Postman app and the workspaces dashboard.

Note: Before you can upload or share a collection, you must sign in to your Postman account. However, you can share collections as a file without being signed in.

This topic covers:

Sharing collections in the app

In the sidebar

In the Postman app, select a collection in the sidebar and click the ellipsis (…) button.

Select “Share Collection”.

The SHARE COLLECTION modal appears. It offers three ways to share a collection:

  • Share in another workspace
  • Embed
  • Get Link

share sidebar

Sharing collections in another workspace

Select this option to add a collection to a team workspace. The collection is visible to the team.

In the workspaces dashboard, select a collection and then click the Share button. The collection is visible in your target workspace.

share collections

Sharing collections with the Embed or Run In Postman button

Select this option to embed a Run in Postman button in your collection for your API documentation, website, or Github readme.

The Run in Postman button lets anyone import and run this collection with one click.

When you click the Generate Code button, you get a link that you can use for a dynamic or static button. You can also select the environment you want for the generated code.

The Run in Postman button shares the collection directly from Postman, so the collection is uploaded to Postman servers when you generate the embed code.

share embed-rip

Sharing collections with a link

Select this option to generate a shareable link for others to access your collections. You can manage a complete list of your collection links from your workspaces dashboard.

share get link

In the Build menu

In the Postman app, click the Build menu in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.

Select “Browse”, and then select a collection.

Click the Share button.

Sharing collections in the Dashboard

In the workspaces dashboard, select “Browse”, and then select a collection.

Click the Share button.

Sharing as a file

You can download collections as a JSON file to share with others, with or without signing in to your Postman account.

You can share collections anonymously, but we strongly recommend you sign in to your Postman account when uploading collections. When you’re signed in, you can update your existing collection, make it public, or delete it later.

Learn more about exporting and importing collections, and the differences between collection formats v1 and v2.

Modifying team permissions

You can share collections with your entire team or assign individual permissions for team members. Team admins can designate view or edit permissions for your team. Note: You must be a team admin to modify team permissions.

To assign or modify team permissions in the Postman app, select a collection in the sidebar and click the ellipsis (…) button.

modify team permissions

Select “Modify permissions”.

In the MODIFY PERMISSIONS modal, select the default team permission, add the email address of the user, and assign the level of permission for the user. Note: Changes made in this modal modifies the permissions of the collection.

Click the Save Changes button to complete the process.

modify team permissions modal