FAQs for monitors

General questions

What can I test with Monitors?

You can use Postman Monitors for simple uptime monitoring to ensure your servers are online or for performance monitoring to ensure your servers are responding promptly. You also can write detailed test suites to check monitors for proper behavior, business logic, error handling, and so on.

What restrictions apply?

To learn what restrictions apply, see Intro to Monitoring.

How many monitors can I create?

There is no limit to the number of monitors you can create. You can have any number of collections, each with any number of monitors. And each monitor can run on a different schedule.

How long can a monitor run?

Monitors are currently limited to 5 minutes for each run. This limit applies to all HTTP requests, responses, and test scripts.

How many HTTP requests can a monitor send?

There is no limit to the number of requests, although the total run-time cannot exceed 5 minutes.

How much data can a monitor send or receive?

There is nearly no limit to the amount of data that can be sent or received per request. However, large requests or responses take longer to send and receive. As a result, be sure that you can do everything within the 5 minute time limit.

How do I troubleshoot problems?

You can view the full console output for every monitor run, including any errors. You can also use methods, such as console.log()console.warn(), and so on to output your own debugging information. To learn more about troubleshooting monitors, see Troubleshooting monitors.


Who can see my Monitors?

Monitors have the same permissions as Postman Collections. By default, your collections are private, so only you can see the collection and its monitors. If you share a collection, then other members of your Postman Pro or Enterprise team can see the collection and its monitors. If you grant View & Edit permissions, then your team members can add monitors to your collection.

Each collection can have different permissions. As a result, you can choose to have some private monitors, some shared monitors that are view-only, and some monitors that are shared and editable.

Can I delete a Monitor?

You can delete a monitor at any time. Once deleted, all run history for the monitor is deleted too. If you want to retain the history, then you should pause the monitor instead of deleting it.

Where do Monitors run?

Monitors run on our cloud infrastructure, which is hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). More information about our cloud infrastructure is available at our Security page.

Can Monitors access private networks?

No. Monitors can only connect to URLs that are publicly-available on the Internet. You cannot monitor APIs that run on private networks, VPNs, or corporate intranets.

Will Monitors impact my API performance?

You have full control over the behavior of your monitors. No only can you determine which of your API endpoints are called, you can also determine how many and how often they are called. In addition, we restrict each monitor’s total run time to 5 minutes, to limit the number of requests it can perform.