Running Postman monitors using static IPs

  • Enterprise

By default, Postman Monitors access APIs from dynamic IP addresses. For Enterprise users who want to test APIs behind a whitelist restricted firewall, Postman provides the option to monitor APIs from a static IP address.

By whitelisting a single static IP address, customers can monitor their APIs using Postman’s monitoring service, while conforming to company security policies.

Enterprise users can request the static IP option from our Enterprise support team.  Note that monitoring APIs using a static IP address is available for all Postman Enterprise customers. However, the static IP is a US address.

When the static IP option is enabled, Enterprise users can create a new monitor or change an existing monitor to run using a static IP address.

Creating a new monitor to run from a static IP address

In the Postman app, click the “Build” dropdown menu and select “Browse”.

Choose the collection you want to monitor, click the ellipsis (…) icon, and select “Monitor Collection”.

ellipsis menu

In the MONITOR COLLECTION modal, enter the name and select the environment of the monitor.

In “Regions”, select “US (Static IP)” to monitor the collection from a static IP address. You can also specify a monitor to run in one or more regions.

Click the Monitor this collection button to complete the process.

Changing an existing monitor to run from a static IP address

In the Postman app, click the “Build” dropdown menu and select “Browse”.

build menu

At the top of the page, select “Monitors”.

Choose the monitor and click the Edit button.

In the EDIT MONITOR modal, select “US (Static IP)” in “Regions” and click the Save Changes button to complete the process.

static IP monitor