The Postman app notifies you in case of some important events. These notifications can be accessed by clicking on the
icon in header bar.

You will get notified in case of the following events:
- Workspaces notifications
- A user in your team shares a collection
- A user in your team unshares a collection
- A user in your team deletes a shared collection
- A user in your team subscribes to a collection that you own
- A new user joins your team
- A user in your team publishes a shared collection
- A user in your team unpublishes a shared collection
- Monitor notifications
- A new team monitor is created on a collection you are subscribed to
- A monitor that you’re subscribed to fails a test
- A monitor that you’re subscribed to fails because of an error
- A monitor that you’re subscribed to fails a test multiple times in a row
- A monitor that you’re subscribed to fails because of an error multiple times in a row
- A monitor that you’re subscribed to recovers from a test failure
- A monitor that you’re subscribed to recovers from an error
- Monitoring notifications (for admins and monitor owners)
- The monthly monitoring quota for the team is about to be reached
- Monthly monitoring quota is exceeded and overage starts