Sharing collections

You must be signed in to your Postman account to upload or share a collection.  Click on the ellipses () next to the collection you wish to share. Select “Share” to open the SHARE COLLECTION modal which will contain most of ways that you can share a collection.

share collection from dropdown

Sharing a collection with your team (Pro feature)

If you are a member of a team using Postman Pro or Enterprise, you can share a collection with the rest of your team. Under the Team Sharing tab of the SHARE COLLECTION modal, you can designate view or edit permissions for your team.  You can also choose to share the collection with your whole team or assign individual permissions for team members. 

share collection modal

A team’s shared collections can be viewed in the team library. This is where you can subscribe to collections that others have shared.

team library view

Generate a shareable link for others to access your collections. This is not the recommended method for sharing collections.  Collection links reflect the collection as a snapshot in time, and must be updated to refresh the changes to the collection.

You can manage a complete list of collection links from the dashboard.

share collection with a link

Sharing as a Run in Postman button

Under the Embed Button tab of the SHARE COLLECTION modal, you can create a Run in Postman button to share your collection. Just with collection links, the collection should be manually updated to reflect new changes in the collection.  Learn more about generating and embedding the button.

share collection modal

Sharing as a file

Collections can be downloaded as a JSON file which you can share with others, with or without signing in through your Postman account. You can share collections anonymously, but it is strongly recommended to sign in to your Postman account when uploading collections. This will let you update your existing collection, make it public, or delete it later.

Learn more about exporting and importing collections, and the differences between collection formats v1 and v2.